Prolotherapy & Ozone Therapy
Q: What is Prolotherapy?
A: Prolotherapy (proliferative/regenerative), is a recognized non-surgical orthopedic reconstructive procedure that stimulates the body's natural healing mechanisms to strengthen joints, ligaments, and tendons weakened by repetitive overuse or traumatic injury. When ligament or tendon attachments are overstretched or torn they become hypermobile and painful, resulting in unstable joints. Traditional medical treatments include surgery and anti-inflammatory medications, which do not heal and stabilize the joints. Prolotherapy has the unique ability to directly address the cause of joint instability, regenerate and repair injured structures, and provide pain relief, resulting in permanent stabilization of the joint.
Q: What is Ozone Therapy?
A: Ozone Therapy (proliferative/regenerative), is a recognized regenerative procedure used to stimulate the body's natural healing ability. Ozone has tissue regeneration and pain-relieving properties. Ozone combined with pure oxygen is also used to regenerate and repair joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Prolozone Therapy combines Prolotherapy with Ozone for additional healing benefits. Ozone Therapy has a broad range of clinical application and may be used to promote healing in a variety acute and chronic pain conditions, infections (i.e. sinus and ear infection), and skin lesions.
Q: How does Prolotherapy & Ozone Therapy work?
A: Precise administration of a mild irritant solution is directed into the damaged or overstretched ligament or tendon, creating a mild, controlled mild inflammatory response that stimulates the body’s natural healing processes, to promote new tissue growth in the weakened and injured structures. The mild inflammatory response stimulates growth of new ligament or tendon fibers, resulting in a tightening of the weakened tissues. Ozone-oxygen acts as an antimicrobial agent, promotes healing, and also provides pain relief. Additional treatments allow a gradual regeneration of tissue to restore the original strength to the tissues involved.
Q: What is in the solution that is administered?
A: These regenerative therapies contain local anesthetic agents, natural substances, and ozone-oxygen, which stimulate the body's healing mechanisms. During the last few decades, newer innovative formulas include Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and autologous (from the patient) adult stem cell sources. The treating physician tailors the procedure to the patient’s need.
Q: Is Prolotherapy & Ozone Therapy treatment painful?
A: The treatment may result in mild soreness, swelling, and stiffness. The mild discomfort is temporary and can be reduced with pain relievers such as Tylenol. Anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and others should not be used for pain relief because they will block the desired treatment response.
Q: Can Prolotherapy & Ozone Therapy help everyone?
A: Each visit includes an evaluation to determine the source of your pain problem. All necessary information is gathered, including lab tests and/or imaging studies when indicated. A clinical diagnosis and prognosis are then discussed, and a treatment plan individualized to meet your health care needs. Success depends on the severity of your injury, your overall health status, and any underlying nutritional deficiencies that may interfere with your body's healing potential.
Q: Who administers Prolotherapy & Ozone Therapy?
A: Physicians trained by the American Osteopathic Association of Prolotherapy Regenerative Medicine, the American Academy of Ozone Therapy, along with a few other organizations. Postgraduate training is a requirement before treating medical orthopedic conditions.
Q: What areas of the body can be treated?
A: Prolotherapy, Prolozone Therapy, and Ozone Therapy are used to treat joint pain and joint instability. Many common orthopedic joint conditions may be treated with these regenerative therapies. Common conditions include Whip-lash Injuries, TMJ disorder, Rotator Cuff Tear, AC Ligament Sprain, Meniscus & Labral Tear, Golfer's/PItcher's/Tennis Elbow, Wrist & Hand Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Osteoarthritis, Joint Pain, Neck & Mid-level Back Pain, Knee/Hip/Back Conditions, Degenerative Disc Disease, Sciatica, Sacroiliac/Pelvic Pain, Diastasis Recti (postpartum), Piriformis & IT Band Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spurs, Ankle & Foot Pain, Neuromas, Scars, Post-Surgical Pain, Sprains & Strains, Sports Injuries, and more. Please contact our office for more information.
Q: How often do I need these treatments?
A: Every one, two, three, or four weeks, per the recommendation of your treating physician.
Q: What’s the rate of success in treatment?
A: The treatment rate of success depends on a number of factors, including the patient’s history and ability to heal, and the type of solution used. In patients with low back pain with hypermobility, 85% to 95% of patients treated experience 100% pain relief with this form of therapy. In comparison, the Journal of Bone and Joint Therapy reports only a 52% improvement in patients treated surgically for disc problems.
Q: Is this form of therapy really new?
A: Prolotherapy has been used successfully as early as 500 B.C. Ozone-oxygen therapies have been used successfully since the 18th and 19th centuries. In 1926, a group of physicians had great success using Prolotherapy to treat hernias and hemorrhoids. Earl Gedney, D.O., a well-known Orthopedist, reduced his surgical practice and began treating joints with these regenerative medicines in the 1940s and 1950s. In 1950, George S. Hackett, M.D., wrote a book on Prolotherapy and his work is still used today when training physicians. In the 1980s, Frank Shallenberger, M.D. pioneered Prolozone Therapy, an ozone-oxygen solution used in the regeneration of joints and connective tissues. Regenerative techniques have become highly effective at strengthening fibro-osseus tissue (ligament, tendon, joint), which rebuilds and restores weakened joints to their original level of stability, while maintaining flexibility, mobility, and function. Advances in Regenerative Medicine has led to state of the art formulas, such as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) which contains growth factors, and autologous adult stem cells, for enhanced healing.
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